Scoutbook Instructions

Exporting merit badge completion data from Tentaroo to import into Scoutbook is an easy process that helps you quickly transfer records from one software into the other to give your Scouts credit for work they did at summer camp and merit badge events.

Requirements for Scoutbook (Excel/CSV) Download

To download your completion records from summer camp or another event in Tentaroo, login to your unit account and navigate to your event registration.

  • For current or upcoming events, these will be displayed on your home screen. Click on the card to enter the registration.
  • For past events, click on the Events button in the left-hand panel (on mobile, this can be found under the hamburger menu) and click on Past. Select the type of event, such as Scouts BSA Resident Camp, then click on Past to display only past sessions. Click on the session to enter the registration.

Once you are in your Registration, click or tap on Reports. The Requirements for Scoutbook (Excel/CSV) report is third from the bottom, just before the Blue Card reports. Download this data and save to your computer but do NOT modify the file. You will use it in the next steps to import into Scoutbook and the format needs to be unmodified or it may not work.

Scoutbook Plugin and Import

This process requires two steps, the first of which only needs to be done once per computer, after which you can import data into Scoutbook as needed. In order to import data, you need to have permissions to use Quick Entry for Merit badges in your unit account in Scoutbook.

Important note: The developer of this plugin is a volunteer who is not professionally affiliated with the BSA, any BSA council, or any event registration software such as Tentaroo. Any support or update to the extension is the responsibility of the volunteer.
  1. Install the Feature Assistant Extension for Scoutbook in either Chrome or Firefox. This is a Chrome Extension and Firefox Add-on that supplements a variety of basic Scoutbook features. The extension works on any non-mobile browser supported by Chrome, and the Firefox Add-on works on all Firefox supported platforms, (currently excluding mobile Android due to excessively restrictive Firefox policies). 
    See the plugin documentation for more information.
  2. In Scoutbook, click the Import Merit Badge Advancements button. The developer's instructions can be found here.
    • Click Choose File and select the CSV file you downloaded from your Tentaroo registration.
    • Select "Merit Badge Req's."
    • Optional: Select "Leader Approve" if you want to mark all imported badges as approved. Do not select if you want to make it easier to review data in Scoutbook prior to marking as approved.
    • Click "Import File."
    • Review data as needed. If the names in Tentaroo do not clearly match the names in Scoutbook, you will have a review step where you can manually connect the records.